The Best Family Medicine EHR Software

Embrace the easiest-to-use EHR for family practices


Key Features of Family Medicine EHR

A family medicine electronic health record (EHR) is a medical chart management software that also includes tools to improve overall patient care. This system will become part of your entire office operations from patient scheduling to follow-up messaging. Common features of the best family medicine EHR systems, such as Amazing Charts, make every part of a patient visit easier for you and your patients.

Appointment Creation and Changing

Whether you have a large, small, or solo practice, you need to properly manage your time. With an EHR system, you have the freedom to set up appointment lengths, schedule or reschedule patient appointments, and note if a patient does not show up to an appointment. With this system, you avoid the issue of having too many patients in a day and feeling the need to rush through visits.

Templates to Take Notes

With family medicine and the variety of ages of your patients, you need to have the flexibility to take notes that reflect their varying needs. Templates make taking notes fast and simple during patient visits. Plus, these simple-to-use templates come with the ability to customize their fields. You can rearrange or change the things you note by designing customized templates in minutes.

When you use templates, you spend a minimum amount of time taking notes and still get all the information needed during the visit.

Family Medicine EHR Software

E-Prescribing to Save Patient Hassle

If you have minor patients, giving a paper prescription to their parents may cause unnecessary time between the medication being prescribed and being taken. The parent will have to drop off the prescription at a pharmacy and return later to pick it up, all the while dealing with a sick child. Reduce these steps by 50% with Amazing Charts e-prescribing modules.

E-prescribing medications delivers all the information the pharmacy needs directly to the pharmacist. The patient or their parent only needs to go to pick up the prescription when ready. Plus, since you send the prescription electronically, there is no chance for the patient to lose a paper script.

Staying Connected with Patients or Their Parents

Some questions your patients have may not warrant an in-person visit to your practice. Instead, they can message you through the secure patient portal whenever they have time. They don’t have to wait for office hours to make a phone call or get put on hold.

Similarly, you don’t have to take away time from other patients to answer a call or call back patients at the end of the day. You have the freedom to respond to patient portal messages when you have the time.

This system ensures that you and your patients stay connected between visits. Additionally, patients can refer to their visit summaries in case they couldn’t remember the recommendations you gave to them. Readily available patient summaries help patients follow through with your advice since they don’t have to rely on their memory of what you said.

How Do Amazing Charts EHR Systems for Family Practice Improve the Quality of Care for Patients?

Patient care is your family practice’s utmost concern. Amazing Charts can help you to improve the quality of care for your patients with the following features:

More than 20 years ago, a doctor designed Amazing Charts to be the easiest-to-use electronic health record available. Today, the software remains the top in ease of use. One-screen chart access means that you see the patient’s chart on one page and have single-click access to lab reports, imaging reports, and referral data. This system is simple to use, even for those who don’t feel comfortable with computers. Plus, such quick access to information saves you time in searching for patient data.

Prescribing medications electronically through our NewCrop-powered e-prescription tool reduces the chances of medication errors. Pharmacies will have complete prescriptions sent to them instead of illegible pieces of paper. The direct link to pharmacies also makes the prescription more secure. Since you won’t need to use paper prescriptions, you don’t have to stock paper prescription pads or keep them in a secure location.

By ensuring that the pharmacy has the name and amount of the prescription in an easy-to-read electronic format you intend to give to the patient, the chances of patients getting the wrong medicine or dose decrease.

Data interoperability refers to how well you can send and receive patient information among other providers caring for your patient. Sharing patient information among doctors improves the care that patients get at every step of their medical journey. Whether you need to refer a patient to a specialist for treatment of a condition or want to coordinate with their former family practitioner, you can do these tasks, connect with labs and imaging companies, and more with Amazing Charts.

Benefits of Family Medicine EHR

Using a family medicine EHR system consolidates data into one, simple-to-access location. With the best family medicine EHR software, your practice can see many advantages, such as saving time, getting support when needed, and securely messaging your staff.

ehr for Family Medicine practice

Save time creating reports or filling out notes during patient visits. With report queries that automatically populate the request with the most frequently used data, you can generate reports in minutes. For even more in-depth information, create customized queries to return the information that you want. These take minutes to make and give you the data you need without extra information that wastes time to sort through.

Similarly, templates save you time when taking notes during patient visits. Standard templates make note-taking fast without becoming repetitive.

Creating custom templates to take notes in a manner that you prefer will save you even more time. With a simple procedure to customize templates, you can have a notetaking tool that works for you.

When a problem arises, you need to have reliable tech support to connect with. Amazing Charts offers technical support through chat, email, or phone. You never need to feel that you must solve a problem on your own.

When messaging your staff, you need to make certain the messages go through a secure system, especially if discussing patient information. Amazing Charts allows for easy access to charts and messages for those with appropriate credentials.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you still have questions about Amazing Charts? Read our FAQs below to get the answers you need.

Yes! Amazing Charts EHR works very well with small and solo family practices. In fact, the affordability, small software size, ease of use, and available tools make it an ideal software to improve patient care and streamline your practice.

For example, Dr. Stephen McKinney can run a mobile practice that takes him into patients’ homes. He uses Amazing Charts with an iPad and keyboard during his visits to minimize the amount of equipment he must bring into the home while still having access to the full medical chart for the patient. As a solo operator, he leveraged the affordability of Amazing Charts to keep his startup costs low and to start his mobile business quickly. “With Amazing Charts, I can do this all mobile and it works for me,” Dr. McKinney said. If Dr. McKinney can run an entire mobile solo practice with Amazing Charts, the software will work for your small family practice, too.

Amazing Charts gives you two options for installation. The most popular, cloud-based, gives you the freedom to use any tablet, laptop, or computer with a secure internet connection to log into the EHR. With a cloud EHR for family practice, you don’t need to purchase new systems as long as you have a password-protected Wi-Fi connection in your office.

The other option we offer is great for mobile physicians. A local installation puts the software onto a single computer, but you don’t have to rely on an internet connection for accessing patient information. You will need to eventually log onto the internet to send and receive prescriptions, patient information, or messages. The software takes up little space on your computer, so you can run it from a standard laptop.

Whichever option you choose for your family medicine EHR software, you get the same powerful package of tools to maintain your patients’ health.