Amazing Reminders

Reminding patients results in fewer missed appointments and a healthier patient panel. Now, your practice can see more patients and earn more revenue.

Reminding patients results in fewer missed appointments and a healthier patient panel.
Now, your practice can see more patients and earn more revenue.

Amazing Reminders is an automated appointment reminder service that integrates with Amazing Charts EHR and PM systems.

Increase Your Revenue

Amazing Reminders reduces the no-show rate of scheduled patients by sending automated reminders via phone, text, or e-mail. When patients keep their scheduled appointments, you increase revenue at your practice!
Since this is an automated service, Amazing Reminders frees your office staff to focus on the other aspects of running a medical practice. Stop wasting time trying to contact patients to remind or re-schedule…Amazing Reminders will do that tedious work for you!

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Why Amazing Reminders

Easy To Use

Easy To Use

Amazing Reminders is very efficient. It seamlessly integrates with your Amazing Charts EHR schedule and applies rules customized by patients for the timing and frequency of messages.

Amazing Reminders gives you the flexibility to adjust when patients receive reminders, customize the reminder message they get, and even track the number of reminders that your patients receive.

The Amazing Reminders cloud-based platform was designed with the mobile user in mind. Whether using a smartphone, tablet, or other on-the-go device, customizable messages and instructions enhance each office experience for the patient.

Confirmation & Cancelations

Confirm or Cancel an Appointment

Using Amazing Reminders, a patient can respond to the reminder to either confirm or cancel the upcoming appointment. These responses are viewable by the practice in the Amazing Reminders Portal. The practice would then use this report to go in and manually edit the schedule in Amazing Charts. This feature can be enabled or disabled in the Amazing Reminders Portal, per the practice’s preference. Practices can also filter by appointment, and customize the message they want sent to a specific grouping of patients


Reminder Reports

Amazing Reminders generates a report of all reminders that were sent out to your patients. Additionally, you can review a report of all reminders that did not get successfully delivered to your patients, then follow up to make sure they are being delivered via that patient’s preferred contact method.

Engage Patients

Engage More Patients With Reminders

Amazing Reminders was designed to increase the patient participation with your practice. Once Amazing Reminders is implemented, your patients become more involved in their healthcare journey. Through the use of messages and reminders, patients are in touch more often with physicians and staff, creating a better patient experience while improving outcomes.

Personalized Caller ID

Practice Personalized Caller ID

Many other reminder services reach out to patients from an unknown number. With Amazing Reminders, your practice’s phone number shows up in a patient’s caller ID. This personalized touch will increase the number of patients who will receive the reminder, since they see it is from their own doctor!

Why Amazing Reminders

• Increased revenue
• Seamless patient communication about upcoming appointments
• Lower no-show rates
• Increased patient engagement

Front-Office Staff
• More time working with patients one-on-one
• Less dialing and leaving messages
• Less re-scheduled appointments
• More time to work on other practice workflows like billing, patient charts, etc.

• Never forget an appointment again
• Seeing a physician regularly keeps patients healthier and helps them manage chronic conditions
• Building a better relationship with their care provider