Quality Payment Program (QPP)
QPP gave CMS the ability to reward high-value, high-quality Medicare clinicians with payment increases – while at the same time reducing payments to those clinicians who weren’t meeting performance standards.
Explore how you can participate in MIPS. Here are some links for your reference:
Amazing Charts ONC Certifications

You can find all our certification information and listings on the CHPL website.
Developer Organization Name: CareTracker, Inc.
Amazing Charts Version 12.0 has Completed Certification of the Following Health IT Modules:
Date Certified: Jun 25, 2024
CMS/CHPL Certification Number: 0015C75CWR05EUR
Modules Tested: 170.315 (a)(1-5, 9, 12, 14); (b)(1-3, 10); (c)(1-3); (d)(1-9, 12-13); (e)(3); (f)(1,5); (g)(2-7, 9-10)
Clinical Quality Measures Tested: 2v7, 22v6, 50v12, 66v6, 68v7, 69v6, 75v8, 82v5, 90v13, 117v6, 122v6, 123v6, 124v6, 125v6, 127v6, 128v8, 129v9, 130v6, 131v6, 133v8, 134v6, 135v6, 136v7, 137v8, 138v6, 139v6, 142v6, 143v6, 144v6, 145v6, 146v6, 147v7, 149v6, 153v8, 154v6, 155v6, 156v6, 157v8, 159v6, 160v6, 164v6, 165v6, 166v7, 167v6, 177v8, 249v2, 314v1, 347v3, 349v2, 951v2, 1188v1,
Additional software used: eCR FHIR Now App Version 3.0, NewCropRx, Merck Manuals, Medline Plus, Updox Version 2022.0, PDF viewing software.
This Health IT Module is compliant with the ONC Certification Criteria for Health IT and has been certified by an ONC-ACB in accordance with the applicable certification criteria adopted by the Secretary of Health and Human Services. This certification does not represent an endorsement by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
In order to maintain ongoing and uninterrupted access to e-prescribing and lab and registry interfaces, licensed providers are required to purchase an annual subscription to Amazing Charts Guardian Angel Support.
The Amazing Charts CERHT Edition requires additional annual support fees above those charged for Amazing Charts.
Electronic prescribing, drug-drug and drug-allergy interaction checking, and drug-formulary checks
e-Prescribing, drug-drug and drug-allergy interaction checking and drug-formulary checks (170.315.a.4, 170.315.a.10, 170.315.b.3) provide electronic real-time access to information and connection to pharmacies. Customers with a typical broadband internet connection will be able to use these features (supported by Surescripts and NewCrop Rx) if they have purchased Guardian Angel Support & Maintenance. E-Prescribing is only available for licensed clinicians who are legally permitted to prescribe medications. Setting up e-Prescribing requires verification of a provider’s identity. Amazing Charts utilizes the SureScripts network for electronic prescription routing. When exceptions are encountered in the process, e-fax is used to deliver the prescription to the pharmacy.
Transmitting immunization information with immunization registries
Amazing Charts offers the ability to customers with a typical broadband internet connection to send electronic immunization records to all state immunization registries (170.315.f.1). There is a provider-based annual subscription fee for this optional service. Amazing Charts outputs immunization registry information according to the HL7 2.5.1 standard
Transmitting information to patient portals or sending direct messages
There is a provider-based annual subscription fee for this service.
Customers with a typical Internet connection can send and receive patient portal messages and/or direct messages via our partnership with Updox. (170.315.b.1-2, 170.315.e.1-2). Providers can exchange transfers of care via Direct messaging as long as the provider and recipient are members of the Direct Trust.
Accessing patient education on problems and medications
Customers with a typical broadband connection can access patient education on problems and medications. (170.315.a.15). These features are included in the cost of Amazing Charts CEHRT Edition.
Clinical Decision Support Diagnostic Info button
Customers with a typical broadband connection can access diagnostic and therapeutic reference information on problems and medications. (170.315.a.15). These features are included in the cost of Amazing Charts.
Application Access
Access to the REST Common Clinical DATA API to retrieve clinical data from Amazing Chart is included in the cost of Amazing Charts CEHRT Edition. Additional fees may apply if the 3rd party developer requires assistance and will be provided on a T&M basis.
Clinical Quality Measures (CQMs)
Access to the Clinical Quality Measures (170.315.c.1-4) require additional subscription enrollment.
Transmission to public health agencies – electronic case reporting
Amazing Charts offers the ability to customers with a typical broadband internet connection to send electronic case reports to Public health agencies 170.315 (f)(5). There is an annual subscription fee for this optional service.